GENDER: female |
AGE: 134 |
HEIGHT: 113cm |
HAIR: dk. brown |
EYES: amber |
As you walk through the forest, an elfess jumps down from a tree and lands before you. She is about 3'8" tall. Her clothing is tunic and trousers in green and brown, and her dark hair falls straight to her waist, kept away from her face with a leather strap. Her eyes is amber, and they are
questioningly looking at you. She says, "Ayooah, stranger... I'm Sunsight, a scout and poet here in the Sun-Goes-Down tribe. Or, at least I'm a scout!"
She laughs softly, "I don't know what to say about my poetry... What did you say? You want to know more about me? Well... Let's sit down and I'll tell you about mysElf.
"I'm not born in this tribe, but in another one for about... two hundred turns ago. My mother was Dreamsight, and my father was Freeborn. He was raised to hunt and kill humans, and so was I. Humans killed my grandfather, you see. But then one terrible night, the humans struck back! Only a few elves from my tribe survived, and they were scattered over the world. I haven't seen them since... My first wolf-friend Wagtail was also killed then, by those dirty round-ears! I'm true wolf-blooded, and we had bonded. Well, after that, I walked around a lot. I met Snowpaw during my travels, he's my new wolf. Big, white and silly...
"After some years I came to this tribe. Here I was welcomed, and now I feel as if I was born here. Almost, at least... But we've got a great chieftess, and I've got a Recognized mate, so now my life is really going well!
"I like to play tricks at my fellow Downers, when they least expect it... Still, some people might find me calm and serene. I love to surprise them! I also like to sing and dance, and walk in the moonlight. I love to tell tales to the cubs, and
have a special place in my heart for Dark Eyes... I hope to have a cubling of my own soon!
"Well, now I hear my chieftess howl for me... I guess I better see what she wants!
Shade and Sweet water, stranger!"
The elfess mounts a huge white wolf, and together they run away through the forest. The last thing you see is his white fur among the trees, and the last sound is her happy