Wolfcat Skyfire
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Recognized Quicktongue, Mother of Paw

GENDER: female AGE: 858 HEIGHT: 3'10"
HAIR:  brilliant red EYES: green


So! You want to know a little about me, eh? <laugh> Gaze away! I may be more complex than I appear...or maybe not. I know you can tell the obvious...good hunting leathers, boots that go up past my knees, at least in the front. The red hair tied back. Not a Chief's Knot, of course. I'm no challenger to our Chieftess. But higher than a wolf-tail at the neck. My bow is usually handy, but I can wield a spear and sword as well. I can certainly hit the target most times with my dagger. Troll-forged, too...you've no idea what that cost me.

Watch out! Elfchaser, my wolf, is behind you. He's feeling friendly. He's the reason I rarely lose a game of ElfHunt, one of our mock hunts.

Born here? Yes... my mother came from another tribe, though. It's said that, at my birth, a bolt of lightning crossed over the sun, so she named me Skyfire, muttering something about 'had to be'. She died of sickness some years later...she was never really a part of the tribe, though. Not like me!

Wolfcat? Don't know the story of that one? Ah! Thought EVERY elf knew that one. I am Wolfrider through. But I'm a little like those forest cats. Quick to nap, know when to take my rest, and when to go on the hunt. But I know my pack, and my pack rank, well. So...somebody said I was like a mix between wolf and cat... and the name stuck!

Well, I hear our Chieftess calling for Nighthowl! I'd best round up my friend, Moonlake, and get going, or she'll chew our tails! Ayooah!